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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Will NEVER see this is US. Funny!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A few HealthCare Reform Ideas that would work

My Healthcare Reform Recommendations (not all inclusive) just a little rant:

A meeting of all 50 state insurance commissioners will take place to adopt the same rules. The buying across the state lines mantra is a red herring. Buying across state lines will be allowed but the people of states will find that certain companies will not offer networks in their state or doctors not included in their networks. Also states have different tax laws so policies may be more expensive in certain states. People will either be encouraged or discouraged to purchase outside of their state.

1. Tort Reform:  One of the leading causes of escalating Healthcare costs. Enact caps on monetary judgments much like Texas.

2. No lifetime limits

3. No pre existing conditions for illness or injury diagnosed before age 19

4. Children can stay on parents plan till 26 but if moved to own plan then pre existing conditions apply unless diagnosed prior to age 19. If parents want to pay for it then let them. If they want to create a dependent child on them for life, that’s their problem.

5. Pregnancy surcharge:

·         Pregnancy will be covered in insurance policies as any other illness for those in CHILDBEARING and legal AGE 18 – 49 or can PROVE that unable to have children.
·          If married then pregnancy surcharge charged to husband’s policy as well at 50% for husband and 50% for wife of total surcharge.
·         When 50 years old is reached surcharge is removed automatically.

6. A FEDERAL pre existing subsidy pool. Every insurance company MAY offer plans to members with pre existing conditions when they apply at rates approved by STATES.

  • Insurance companies that do offer plans will receive both FEDERAL and STATE tax credits in order to offset the cost of offering those plans.
  • Those members that choose a HIGH RISK plan and whose income does not qualify them for MEDICAID can apply for FEDERAL HIGH RISK subsidy. Either by tax credits at tax time or monthly payments to insurance company.
  • Must be deficit neutral

7. Health & Wellness Algorithm:  Those that take care of themselves receive discounts on plans.  This will encourage people to take care of themselves.
  • Insurance companies can write programming code the when rates are provided to states on annual basis as in the past, those that meet health & wellness parameters will not incur such rate increases at 100% or may receive rate reduction.

8.  Wellness physicals covered 100%.  We take our cars to be checked out, we should be able to do the same to our bodies. This actually will decrease costs due to prevention and proactive treatments.

9. ALL individual and group Health & Health Indemnity insurance are able to be pre taxed or credited on taxes to not exceed negative tax payments. NO TAXES paid on health insurance products.

10.  Those not willing to insurance themselves either traditionally or MEDICAID will not be FORCED to purchase plans but hospitals and doctors etc. that are not paid for services provided to an uninsured individual can:
·         Submit to IRS the written off reduced charges for services provided and any tax refunds due to individual will be submitted directly as payment to care providers.
·         Work with individual at reduced rates to pay off debt
·         This will encourage people to take responsibility either by getting insurance or paying what is owed.
·         This will decrease costs to hospitals and care providers due to non payment.

11. Child Only plans encouraged once again.

12. MEDICAID threshold reduced to pre PPACA limits. 

Please feel free to comment.